Kishin Shinoyama = 篠山紀信 - Sounding Carib = 激写

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Used LP 1977

Disc:VG+ (great shape)

Jacket:VG+ (scuff on the top and bottom sleeve, light stain) w/insert

A unique piece of work that even the famous Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama, who was filming in the Caribbean, says that he was surprised that it was made into a record, using only two recorders. Fresh and sometimes lively recording of carnivals,street singers,local conversations in Trinidad, Puerto Rico and Jamaica. Shinoyama's own text also tells the background of the real life, which cannot be called a paradise, the emotions towards root of Africa, history and political situation ,culture in which the music is rooted.

日本を代表する写真家 篠山紀信がカリブの撮影にて忍ばせたレコーダー二台のみの録音音源で作られた本人もレコード化された事に驚きを隠せないと記述があるようなユニークな一枚。トリニダード、プエルトリコ、ジャマイカでのカーニバルの様子、路上の歌い手、現地での会話などが新鮮に記録されています。楽園とは言えないリアルな現実、ルーツであるアフリカへの情感、歴史や政治状況、音楽が根付く生活様式などその国々の実情を添えた篠山自身のテキストも見逃せない。

A sample 1

A sample 2

B sample 1

B sample 2