Label:Seoul Records – SPER 116
Country:South Korea
Used LP 1992
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wrinkles, not bad condition)
Kim Young Dong, a Korean composer known for his compositions based on traditional music. This one is a compilation of tunes produced for the Amazon feature of the Seoul Broadcasting Opening Program broadcasted in 1991. The imaginative soundtrack, which he says sounds lonely, was created while reflecting the various emotions of civilization, religion, and modern life that lie behind the grandeur of the Amazon. It7s a kind of rare piece that transforms the sounds unique to Korea, where the tones of various traditional instruments and new age sounds are mixed into the Amazon.
伝統音楽を軸にした作曲活動で知られる韓国人コンポーザーKim Young Dong。本作は91年に放送されたソウル放送開国プログラムのアマゾン特集にて制作された楽曲の編集盤。そのアマゾンの壮大さの裏に見る文明、宗教、現代の人生など様々な情感を映し出しながら制作されたという、自らも寂しく聞こえると語るイマジネーション音源。様々な伝統楽器の音色とニューエイジサウンドが混じり合う韓国特有の響きをアマゾンへと転換した希有な作品となっています。
A1 - 아마존
A2 - 인디오들의 성당
A4 - 우르밤바 계곡
A5 - 풍요의 강
B1 - 태양의 음
B2 - 개화되는 원시림
B5 - 아마존