Label:Atlantic – M-12508
Used LP 1982
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition) w/obi (0.5mm cut on bottom), insert
Guitarist Ken Yajima is known as a member of the Electro Keyboard Orchestra and Tabo's Project, as well as participating in many projects as a session musician since the 1970s. This is only album under his solo name, released with his band. It is based on progressive rock, with a variety of blues and ambient content that seems to be going through his brain. Among the best tracks are the continental guitar ambient "Smoke Zone" with bluesy guitar and synths, utopian "Journey To The End Of Time" with electric guitar, drones and synths, and the psychedelic electric guitar contrast of "Star Gazer". It's simply quality piece that deserves to be better known.
70年代よりセッション・ミュージシャンとして数多くの作品への参加する他、Electro Keyboard OrchestraやTabo's Projectのメンバーとしても知られるギタリスト矢島賢。本作は彼のバンドを従えリリースされたソロ名義唯一作となるインストゥルメンタル・アルバム。プログレッシヴ・ロックを基調とした、様々な彼の脳内を巡るようなブルースからアンビエントまでバラエティな内容。ブルージーなギターとシンセが織り成す大陸的なギター・アンビエント”Smoke Zone”、エレクトリックギター、ドローン、シンセが織り成すユートピアライクな”Journey To The End Of Time”、サイケデリックなエレクトリック・ギターのコントラスト”Star Gazer”は中でも秀逸。もっともっと知られるべき良作です。
A2 - Smoke Zone
A4 - Star Gazer
B1 - Wet Dream
B2 - Journey To The End Of Time
B5 - Song For "Ayame"