Label:Mars Travellers Records
Used LP 1994 Numbered
Disc:VG+ (slightly wrapped (just a little bit floating) on A side not affect to sound, sound is EX)
Jacket:VG+/VG (special jacket, jacket has a delicate washi-like quality and is separated from the glue due to paper characteristics, there are also some age spots and other stains to accompany it. totally good category VG+, check photos) w/insert (stain part)
Vocalist Keiko Koyama of the chamber rock band Lacrymosa, led by Chihiro Saito, founder of the music magazine Marquee Moon, released a collection of her works from 1985 to 1990 in 1994. Backed by eminent members such as Ayumi Matsui (Katra Tulana), Tetsuhito Koyama (A-Musik), Noriyuki Kawabe (Jagatara), the album has a folk and electric trad style with a dignified and distinct voice. Among them, "Kuroi Namida", which stirs various emotions and "Haru No Oka", one of her representative songs are outstanding. Limited pressing (guess 200 copies). She is still active, releasing self-produced CDs and performing live regularly. Just amazing.
音楽雑誌Marquee Moonの創設者 斎藤千尋が率いたチェンバーロックバンドLacrymosaのヴォーカリスト 小山景子が94年にリリースした1985-1990年の作品集。バックを松井亜由美(カトゥラトゥラーナ)、小山哲人(A-Musik)、川辺徳行(じゃがたら)など錚々たるメンバーが務め、凛とした味わい深い歌声が導くフォークやエレクトリックトラッドの趣を感じさせる作風。中でも様々な感情を揺さぶる”黒い涙”、代表曲の一つ”春の丘”は必聴。素晴らしい作品。リミテッド(おそらく200枚)プレスのLP盤です。現在も自主制作CDを発売していたり定期的にライブを行うなど精力的に活動しています。
A1 - 春の丘
A2 - Reckless Love
B2 - 黒い涙
B3 - 遊覧船
B4 - 打ち砕かれた潔らかな船に乗り