Label:Telegraph Records
Used LP 1986
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition) maybe originally no obi&insert
Katra Turana's second album in 1986 , 7-piece band that combines the performance of vocalist Hiroike in women's clothing, as an avant-garde and mysteriously comfortable music with acoustic composition such as violin, piano, and flute, incorporating chanson and ethnic music. The impression that they've shifted a bit to a more pop-oriented style, but the overall content is substantial, with A2/B1/B3/B4 being particularly noteworthy.
バイオリン,ピアノ,フルートなどのアコースティックな編成で、シャンソンや民俗音楽までを取り入れ、アヴァンギャルドで不思議な心地良さを感じる音楽に女装をしたヴォーカリスト広池のパフォーマンスが融合した7人編成バンドKatra Turanaの86年のセカンドアルバム。少しポップ路線へシフトしたかなという印象ですが、全体的に充実の内容でA2/B1/B3/B4などは特に白眉。
A1 - Epigenesis
A2 - Utan-tan-ta
B1 - Yatara-chan Is A Paranoia / Hushaby, Lullaby
B2 - Vorticella-song