Joy Willow ‎– Exploring The Cave

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Label:Turtle Crossing Music


Used Cassette 1992

Tape:EX (opened from dead stock copy)

Jacket:EX (opened from dead stock copy)

1992 cassette album by Joy Willow, an American female artist who continues to work as a poet and painter. This Inspirational work created in Sebastopol, California, where she learned to compose from experimental musician Allaudin Mathieu while taking singing lessons in the mid-1980s after a period of wandering. The 9 tracks were recorded in the early 90s, and after the family went to bed, she put on headphones and dove into own soundscape. Number of sound images that seem to trace a certain story. Especially, “Lung Tissue Of Deer” and “Stone Sonata” are amazing. After her husband's illness, nursing, and death, she let go of her equipment, and it seems that she has not left any sound source works after this work. Original copy.

現在も詩人や画家として活動を続けるアメリカ人女流アーティストJoy Willowが残した92年のカセット作品。80年半ば、放浪の旅から行きついたカリフォルニア州セバストポールで歌のレッスンと共に実験音楽家Allaudin Mathieuに従事しながら作曲を学び制作したインスピレーション音源集。90年代始めにレコーディングを開始し、家族が寝静まった後ヘッドホンをつけ自らのサウンドスケープに飛び込んだという全9曲を収録。「洞窟探検」と名付けられたひとつの物語を辿るような音像の数々。とりわけ”Lung Tissue Of Deer”、”Stone Sonata”の両曲は素晴らしい。夫の病気、看病、死を経て機材を手放し、本作以後は音源作品は残していないようです。シュリンクを開封したデッドストック品です。

A1 - Rib Cage

A3 - Dragonfly Dreaming

A4 - Heart Of The Fox

A5 - Amber Crevice

B1 - Ode To Scorpionfish

B2 - Lung Tissue Of Deer

B3 - Stone Sonata

To check playback and prevent deterioration, each recording is a full sound sample
