Label:Black – BE-3
Used 7' 1982?
Disc:VG+/EX (great shape)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition)
Joe Yamanaka, the vocalist of the Flower Travellin' Band, actor, boxer and many others, is also known as the man who introduced reggae to Japan. This 7" single is in the "Reggae Vibration" series, which became a trilogy from 1982. Good tropical mood from start to finish and the A-side is the only Japanese version of this single,
Flower Travellin' Bandのヴォーカリストや俳優、ボクサーなど様々な経歴を持ちながら日本へレゲエを広めた功労者でも知られるジョー山中。そんな彼が82年から全三部作となる”Reggae Vibration”シリーズの中でリリースした7”シングル。A面はこのシングルのみの日本語ヴァージョンで収録の終始ご機嫌なシングル。
A - Caribbean Love Song
B - Reggae Vibration