Ji Hong-Ren = 紀宏仁 – MIDI音樂盒

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Label:Rock Records & Tapes – RR-133


Used LP 1986

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (light age wear, sticker on back) w/insert

1986 relase work by Taiwanese composer/producer Ki Hong-jin, who has also had connections with Chen Yang and has mainly worked as a producer since the 1990s. It features pop and traditional songs expressed through electronic music, but the 12 tracks have an ambient/new age feel that foreshadows his later style. Recommend to start B2 "Love Story" with clear tones and ambient electronics of A4 "Mother's Image Moonlight". This style is indeed rare in Taiwan at that time.

陳揚とも繋がり90年以降は主にプロデュースを中心に活躍する台湾人作曲家/プロデューサー紀宏仁による86年の作品。ポップスや伝統歌などを電子音楽で表現した作品ですが、その後の作風を予感させるアンビエント/ニューエイジの感覚を持った全12曲を収録。クリアな音色を奏でるB2”Love Story”やアンビエント・エレクトロニクスA4”母親像月亮”から聞いてみて下さい。この時代の台湾でこの作風はやはり貴重となっています。

A2 - 甜蜜的家庭

A3 - 生日快樂

A4 - 母親像月亮

A5 - 平安夜

B2 - Love Story

B4 - Sing

B5 - Night Song