Label:Epic – 07・5H-176
Used 7" 1983
Disc:VG+ (one scratch spot on middle of B-side, affect to sound bit, please check audio sample)
Jacket:VG+ (light wear, totally good condition)
The 9th single from Ippudo, which has changed from three to two consisting of Masami Tsuchiya and Akira Mitake. Although it is said that their relationship as a band was over by this time, as they broke up with their next single, Ippudo's musical side has gained in sophistication and maturity. The A-side is an exotic new wave "Dream Of The Gypsies" and the B-side is an ambient track "Never Mind" not included on the album under Masami Tsuchiya. Both show high quality that makes it popular.
土屋昌巳と見岳章の二人体制となった一風堂の9枚目のシングル。次作で解散を迎えるなどこの頃にはバンドとしての関係は終わっていたと言われていますが、音楽的側面からは洗練を重ねた円熟味を醸しています。A面に異国情緒を感じさせるエキゾ・ニューウェーヴ”Dream Of The Gypsies”、B面には土屋昌巳名義のアルバムには未収のアンビエント・トラック”Never Mind”を収録。どちらも人気も頷けるクオリティの高さを示しています。
A - Ippu-Do – ドリーム・オブ・ザ・ジプシーズ
B - 土屋昌巳– Never Mind