Label:Jigu Records – JLS-1201811
Country:South Korea
Used LP 1983
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition) w/insert
1983 album by Heo Yeongran, released on Jigu, one of Korea's leading labels. The songs with synths are noteworthy, and the mid-funk B5 "당신 들의 여인" and the ballad song A4 "슬픈 이야기" are excellent. The wet and mellow texture of this sound is impressive.
韓国の代表的レーベルJiguからリリースのHeo Yeongranによる83年作。シンセが効いた楽曲が注目で、ミッド・ファンクB5"당신들의 여인"やバラード曲A4”슬픈이야기”が秀逸。ウェットでメロウな質感が印象的なサウンドです。
A4 - 슬픈이야기
B1 - 눈물속에 핀 꽃
B5 - 당신들의 여인