Henry Kawahara = ヘンリー川原 – Sound LSD : へんな気持ちになる

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Label:Green Energy – GEPD003CD


Used CD 1992

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (sleeve has light damage) missing obi

An outsider composer Henry Kawahara. This is a piece from the Sound LSD series of his works, "Henna Kimochini Naru = Feel crazy". 42-minute deep trip that makes full use of sounds that work on the brain and consciousness, such as effects and pulses that induce an altered state of consciousness. The latter half of T2 "Myouna Kimotini Naru = Feel strange" which seems to use keyboard percussion instruments is particularly dangerous.

日本が生んだアウトサイダー作家ヘンリー川原。その作品群のSound LSDシリーズの一枚”へんな気持ちになる”。変性意識状態を誘発させるとあるようにエフェクト、パルスなどの脳や意識に働きかけるサウンドを駆使したディープ・トリップ42分。鍵盤打楽器を用いたようなみょうな気持ちになる”の後半パートは特にヤバめ。

T1 - へんな気持ちになる

Sample 1

Sample 2

T2 - みょうな気持ちになる

Sample 1

Sample 2