Used LP 1984
Jacket:VG+ w/insert
A multi-instrumentalist / composer Gregorio Paniagua, who operates all kinds of instruments including the cello and viola and Javier Bergia and his brother Luis Paniagua also participated in the creation of Atrium Musicae De Madrid, an ensemble group depicting ancient Europe. This is a great masterpiece released in 1984, which is considered to be one of the top fights in the family name. What is more surprising is that the original was recorded at half speed of this due to the press problem, and listening to it at -8 makes it more addictive.Audio sample is A1 masterpiece 'Dragon', B1 that changes like a kaleidoscope from the organic minimal development of the first half, B3 without sampling seems to be interesting if you can sample glimpses of Balearic elements.
Javier Bergiaや彼の兄弟Luis Paniaguaなども参加する古代のヨーロッパを描いたアンサンブル集団Atrium Musicae De Madridの創設、自らもチェロ、ヴィオラを始めあらゆる楽器を操るマルチインストゥルメンタリスト/作曲家Gregorio Paniagua、Paniagua一家名義でも上位を争う一枚と目される84年リリースの大傑作。更に驚きなのはプレスの問題でオリジナルはこれのハーフスピードで録音されたそうで、-8で聞いて頂くと更にその中毒性が増していきます。視聴はA1名曲'Dragon',前半のオーガニックミニマルな展開から万華鏡の様に変化していく様が圧巻のB1、バレアリックな要素も垣間見れるサンプリングしたら面白そうな隙なしのB3。素晴らしい作品です。
A1 - Dragon
B1 - Spaguetti Alla Milanese
B3 - Preludio Balsamico Y Chacona