Gontiti – Japanese In Winter

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Label:Epic – 28•6H-197


Used Cassette 1986

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

Case/Sleeve:VG+ (slight scuffs, good condition overall) w/insert

1986 work of the still active guitar duo Gontiti. As the title suggests, the compositions are woven with winter and Japanese melodies, and all of them are of course excellent. Among them, "Waterfall" which echoes gently composed by Masaya Matsuura, Gontiti original "Another Mood" is full of melancholy, the shimmering synth and guitar harmonies of "Symbol Hill" are particular wonderful. This is a substantial work that includes aggressive music that cannot be missed. Rare cassette tape version. It goes perfectly with the sound quality of the cassette.

現在も活動を続けるギターデュオGontitiの86年作。タイトル通り冬や日本情緒ある旋律が織り成す楽曲構成で、どの楽曲も勿論秀逸ですが中でも盟友 松浦雅也のプログラミングも光るしんみりと響き渡る”Waterfall”、哀愁いっぱいのゴンチチのオリジナル”Another Mood”、煌めくシンセとギターの音色のハーモニー”記号の丘”は素晴らしいです。アグレッシブな楽曲なども見逃せない充実の作品。稀少なカセットテープ版。カセットの音質との相性も言わずもがな完璧です。

A2 - Waterfall

A3 - 12月の水泳訓練

A4 - Another Mood

A5 - 種明かし

B2 - Restless Elevator

B4 - 記号の丘