Label:Epic/Sony - 28-6H-5035
Used Caseette 1988
Tape:VG+ (plays fine)
Case/Sleeve:VG+ (good condition) w/insert
Cassette release in 1988 by Gontiti, one of Japan's leading guitar duos. It has a more mature and sophisticated impression compared to the past works, however the underlying sound remains as elegant and exotic as ever throughout. Paticularly recommend "Abel", where the tunes that make you feel the wind run through, "Strange Socks", which shows the development of a changing scene, and "Ase No Kuni --Perspiration Kingdom", which shows various developments like a skyscraper. It was a work when they released mainly overseas, and it seems that this cassette version and CD version were released in Japan.
日本を代表するギターデュオGontitiの88年作。全体を通して過去作と比べてより円熟味の増した洗練された印象ですが、根本のサウンドは相変わらず優雅で異国情緒的楽曲を全編に収録。まるで風を感じるような旋律が駆け抜ける”Abel”、移り変わる情景を描いたような展開を見せる”Strange Socks”、摩天楼の様に様々な展開を見せる”Ase No Kuni - Perspiration Kingdom”を筆頭に素晴らしい楽曲の数々。海外でのリリースが行われていた頃の作品で、日本ではこのカセット版とCD版がリリースされたようです。
A1 - Andersen No Niwa - Andersen's Garden
A3 - Abel
A4 - Strange Socks
A5 - Acoustic Eel
B2 - Ase No Kuni - Perspiration Kingdom