Giselle Et Julien ‎– Je T´adore / Le Monde Erotique De Giselle

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Used 7" 1969

Disc:VG+ (good condition as vintage Brazilian record, only slight surface noise, label has stamp)

Jacket:Generic (has cut part) 

An unidentified Brazilian 7" single by Giselle Et Julien in 1969. On the B-side, the funk tune "Le Monde Erotique De Giselle" with its fuzzy guitar and adulterous voice is a killer, and A-side is "Je T'Adore" a tune with an interesting flow that gradually gets men and women excited. The atmosphere like easy listening and soundtrack is also good.

69年のGiselle Et Julienによる正体不明の7"シングル。注目はB面のファズなギターにアダルティな声のファンク・チューン”Le Monde Erotique De Giselle”がキラーな仕上がり、A面は徐々に男女が盛り上がってくるような流れも面白い”Je T'Adore”を収録。イージーリスニングやサントラのような雰囲気でも楽しんで貰えると思います。

A - Je T´adore

B - Le Monde Erotique De Giselle