Label:Fiesta – 360.065
Used LP 1975
Disc:VG+ (totally good shape, feel slight surface noise at mainly quiet part)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/creases/wears, not bad condition)
Cameroonian unique musician/poet/writer Francis Bebey's 1975 work. Many people have heard his unique music on such as compilations. This album also includes a mysterious/magical tunes with "cheap" synths, rhythm machine beats, effects, sound processing.. First of all, wired Afro-pop tune “Savannah Georgia” with boozy synths sounds, hot tune"Kirdi" where the whistle inserts into the beat driving, "Sahel", a combination of whistles, synths, and rhythm boxes, representing a vast, starving land under the scorching sun, cheerful "Ave Maria Today" with its rhythmic beat overlaid with naughty synths and percussion, polyrhythmic sensation with lifelike synths "Moni-Mambou", and soft melody with garden diorama feel and wild drums "A Capella", totally variety of "original" sounds composed entirely of instrumentation. It’s not only an "African Sound", also a radical sensation. Many tunes not included in the compilation. Blimey!
カメルーン出身の特殊音楽家/詩人/作家 Francis Bebeyの75年作。コンピレーションなどでその個性溢れる楽曲を耳にした人も多いと思います。この作品でもイタないシンセ、リズムマシンのビート、エフェクト、音響処理等を施した摩訶不思議な楽曲を収録。まずブヨブヨとシンセが鳴りまくる奇天烈アフロ・ポップ”Savannah Georgia”で冒頭から飛ばしまくり、ビートの打ち込みにホイッスルが差し込むホットな”Kirdi”、灼熱の太陽の元、飢えた広大な土地を表した笛、シンセ、リズムボックスの重演奏”Sahel”、リズミカルなビートの上にシンセや打楽器が重なる陽気な”Ave Maria Today”、生き物の様なシンセにポリリズムの感覚”Moni-Mambou”、箱庭感覚の柔らかなメロディにワイルドなドラムが刻まれる”A Capella”まで全編インストで構成されたオリジナルなサウンドの数々。単にアフリカンな”音”というだけでなく先鋭的な感覚を感じるのも凄いところ。コンピに含まれていない曲も多数収録した彼の傑作のひとつ。拍手!
A1 - Savannah Georgia
A2 - Kirdi
A3 - Sahel
A4 - Ave Maria Today
B3 - Moni-Mambou
B4 - A Capella