Essência - S.T.

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Label:Not On Label


Used LP 1989

Disc:VG+ (slight surface noise at mainly beginning of tracks we guess due to poor pressing, plays fine)
Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wrinkles)

Brazilian private piece in 1989 by Essência, a group of four players, Adalberto Alves, Reny Cruvinel, Romero Fonseca, and Deuler Andrade. Although not much information is available on the band, their music blends a rich sensibility that is evident in the works they have participated in, a nostalgia that is reminiscent of the Minas music, and warm sound with a touch of Brazil. Totally quality contents, includes smooth vocals and jazzy textures intersect "B.H.", saudade tune "Emoções Gerais" which progresses with a lively rhythm, and the melancholy melody work and development on the irresistible "Luz Do Interior". The composers and arrangements of the music are also excellent. One wonders why this has never seen the light of day.

4人のブラジル人プレイヤーAdalberto Alves,Reny Cruvinel,Romero Fonseca,Deuler AndradeによるEssênciaの89年の自主制作盤。あまり情報がありませんが、参加作品からも伺える豊潤な感性、ミナス派に通じる郷愁、ブラジルを多分に感じさせる暖かみのあるサウンドが調和した楽曲群。滑らかなヴォーカルとジャジーな質感が交差する”B.H.”、小気味いいリズムで進行するエモーショナルな”Emoções Gerais”、哀愁のメロディワークと展開がたまらない”Luz Do Interior”を筆頭に全編隙なしの内容。楽曲のコンポーズやアレンジも素晴らしいです。なぜこれが日の目を見なかったのか、不思議でなりません。

A2 - Luz Do Interior

A3 - B.H.

A5 - Dança

B3 - Emoções Gerais

B4 - Andrezinho

B5 - Rua Qualquer