Elodie Lauten – La Galleria Concert

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Label:Cat Collectors – CU 103


Used Cassette 198X

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

Jacket:VG+ (good condition)

Born in a musical family with a jazz pianist father. after moving from Paris to New York, composer/pianist Elodie Lauten has been creating post-minimal music since the 1980s, working with Arthur Russell and other musicians. This private cassette release that contains the performance performed at the gallery, which is considered one of the early works. Side A is a group of tracks composed of 2-3 minutes centered on her own piano. A8 to B side include experimental/Improvisation sounds with percussionist Layne Redmond, who is also a member of Música Esporádica, and soprano singer Dora Ohrenstein. Indescribable "taste" sound with modulation, complex tone, delicate and dynamism. Just being able to experience this sound makes feel contended. It's a phantom one that almost does not even appear on the market like other cassette works that seem to exist in a very small number.

ジャズピアニストの父を持つ音楽一家に生まれ、パリからニューヨークに移り1980年代を境にArthur Russellらとも関りながらポストミニマルに取り組んだ作曲家/ピアニストElodie Lauten。本作は初期作品のひとつとされるギャラリーで行った演奏の模様が収録されている自主カセットリリース。A面は自身のピアノを中心とした2-3分程の曲で構成された楽曲群。A8~B面にはMúsica Esporádicaの一員でもある打楽器奏者Layne Redmondとソプラノ歌手Dora Ohrensteinを加えた実験音響を収録。変調を加え、テープの複雑な音色、繊細かつダイナミズムを併せ持ったなんとも言えない味わい。この音を体感できるだけでも嬉しくなってきます。極少数現存とさえ思える他のカセット作品同様ほとんど市場にさえ出てこない幻の作品です。