Label:MPS Records/BASF
Used LP 1971
Disc:VG+/VG (has surface/dust noise at mainly begginig/quiet part (A1/B1), slight back noise at some part, totally not bad condition, please check long audio sample)
Jacket:VG+/VG (has age-related scuffs, inside is clean,please check photos)
The only album by El Babaku, an ethnic jazz band based on Nigerian trad, Afro-Cuban and North American jazz. The band consists of five members, including Billy Brooks, who has played with the Tete Montoliu Trio and Lou Bennett Trio since the 1960s, and Charles Campbell, a member of Between/Niagara. The album contains dope performances that sublimate the inspiration of African religions distributed around the world into jazz. Among them, A2 "Orisha" which is named after the Yoruba word of faith, and B1 "Al Hajj Malik Al Shabazz - For Malcolm X" which is dedicated to Malcolm X, an African-American Muslim pastor, are excellent. The jacket that you will never forget once you see it is amazing. It is a part of the "Jazz Meets The World" series.
ナイジェリアトラッド、アフロキューバン、北アメリカのジャズをベースにした民族ジャズバンドEl Babakuによる唯一作。メンバーは60年代よりTete Montoliu TrioやLou Bennett Trio等などに参加してきたBilly Brooks、Between/NiagaraのメンバーCharles Campbellを含む5人編成。世界各地に分布するアフリカ系宗教のインスピレーションをジャズに昇華させたドープな演奏が記録されています。中でもヨルバ族の信仰の言葉がつけられたA2”Orisha”やアフリカ系アメリカ人のイスラム教徒の牧師Malcolm Xへ捧げられたB1”Al Hajj Malik Al Shabazz - For Malcolm X”が素晴らしいです。この一度見たら忘れないジャケットも凄いです。世界の音楽とジャズの融合を掲げた「Jazz Meets The World」シリーズの一枚。
A1 - El Babaku
A2 - Orisha
A3 - Aino Buca
B1 - Al Hajj Malik Al Shabazz - For Malcolm X
B3 - El Lupe Chango