Eduardo & Wagner – S.T.

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Label:Galáxia Discos


Used LP 1983

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light wears, not bad condition) w/insert

Eduardo & Wagner, a Brazilian duo consisting of Eduardo Camenietzki and Wagner Campos, released their private album in 1983. A simple yet sophisticated melody, nostalgia, and folky sound combine to create a “warm” work that is typical of Brazil. The composition is a compilation of songs that have been produced since the 70's and the most attractive is the beautiful and smooth song-writing that is the opposite of the lyrics that have a repulsion to the historical background such as A2/B3. The rustic artwork is also good.

Eduardo CamenietzkiとWagner Camposの二人によるブラジル人デュオEduardo & Wagnerの83年作。シンプルな構成ながらも洗練のあるメロディ、ノスタルジア、 フォーキーなサウンドが相まったブラジルらしい暖かみのあるプライベート作品。70年代から制作してきた楽曲をまとめた構成で、A2やB3を筆頭に時代背景への反発を込めた歌詞とは対極的な美しく滑らかなソングライティングが最大の聞き所。じっくりと聞き入って頂きたい、そんな一枚。素朴なアートワークも素敵。

A2 - Casa Suspeita

A4 - Acorda Donzela

A5 - A Silhueta

B1 - Solau de desamado

B3 - Choro n 2