Dominique Lawalrée, Conrad Setó, Albert Giménez – Six Jours À Barcelone

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Label:Filobus Records – D-1175


Used Mini LP 1983

Disc:VG+ (slight surface noise as quiet record, plyas great)

Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs/wears, not bad condition)

Albert Gimenez, the guitar player who presided over Filobus Records, left behind a collection of works that stand out even in the uniquely developed Catalan scene. This mini LP, “Six Days in Barcelona” was recorded during a session with Dominique Lawalrée, a Belgian musician who has recently been reevaluated, during a visit to Barcelona. The other collaborator is Conrad Seto, an exceptional keyboardist who also has a masterpiece on Filobus Records. On side A is nostalgic piano minimal tune "Barcelone" by Dominique Lawalrée. The B-side features gentle and warm sound “New Haven” with percussion and  synth piece “Preludi Amagat” by Conrad Seto. Produced by Dominique Lawalrée. Simply magical work that will make you want to hear more and more performances by these three. 

特異な発展を遂げたカタルーニャのシーンでも異彩を放つ作品群を残したFilobus Recordsを主宰したギター奏者Albert Gimenez。本作は近年再評価の動きが進む宅録系ベルギー人音楽家Dominique Lawalréeがバルセロナを訪れた際のセッション作品と思しき邦題「バルセロナでの6日間」。もう一人の共演はそのFilobus Recordsにも名作を残す特殊鍵盤奏者Conrad Seto。A面にはノスタルジックなピアノの旋律に鳥のさえずりが聞こえてくるDominique Lawalréeによる”Barcelone”。B面にはパーカッションを加えながら瑞々しい響き浮かび上がらせる”New Haven”とConrad Setoによるシンセ曲”Preludi Amagat”を収録。プロデュースのクレジットはDominique Lawalrée。もっともっとこの三者による演奏を聞いていたいと思わせてくれるマジカルな作品。

A - Barcelone

B3 - Preludi Amagat

B4 - New Haven