Dickie Landry – Fifteen Saxophones

Regular price ¥6,800

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Label:Wergo – SM 1019


Used LP 1977

Disc:VG+ (great shape)

Jacket:VG+ (good condition)

Dickie Landry, a saxophonist who actived closely with Philip Glass on many relases/labels as well as his solo works, and took an important role as a photographer and true witness to the New York art scene in the 1970s. Here is a work known as a master piece behind the scenes that released in the latter half of the 1970s. Includes "15 Saxophones" which uses 15 saxophones and continuous sound experiment with multi-track recording and tape delay. It's minimal gem with flickering sound images that lead you to rapture. The second half of side A is “Alto Flute Quad Delay” which features an alto flute and sounds as if a spiritual energy is rising. Side B features a full live recording using reverberation delay. All of tune are simply amazing. Purple jacket German WERGO released in the same year.

傑作揃いのソロ作品に加えPhilip Glassの右腕的な存在として彼の多くの作品/レーベルに携わり、写真家としても70年代のNYアート・シーンの真の目撃者として重要な役割を果たしたサックス奏者Dickie Landry。そんな70年代にリリースしていた裏名盤として名高い作品がこちら。15本のサックスを用い多重録音とテープディレイによる音響実験を重ねた”15 Saxophones”を収録。音像が揺らぎながら恍惚へと導く極上の一曲。A面後半にはアルトフルートを使用した霊魂が立ち昇るようなミニマル音響”Alto Flute Quad Delay”。B面フルでは反響ディレイを用いたライブ録音を収録。どれも素晴らしいです。同年リリースのパープルジャケット独WERGO盤。

A1 - 15 Saxophones

A2 - Alto Flute Quad Delay

B - Kitchen Solos