Used LP 1989
Disc:VG+ (good shape, feel surface noise a bit at some part, super light wrapped not affect to sound)
Jacket:VG+ (light wrinkles, on small shop? sticker, totally good condition) w/insert
The first album by Delanuka, a five-piece group from Uruguay that inherits the lineage of Hugo Fattoruso, Ruben Rada, Jaime Roos. The highlight of the album is last tune of both side, "Aduanas De Pasiones" on the A-side with electric piano and a melancholy atmosphere, "Picantún" on the B-side which changes from a Jaime Roos-like groove in the beginning to a funky mellow development at the end. In addition, adult-oriented rock A3 and obscure-style synth rock B1 are also great. It is a good work that feels quality though it has a strong rock color. The jacket is designed by Rodolfo Fuentes, who also did the jackets for Almango and others, with a motif of a monument in the capital city of Montevideo.
Hugo Fattoruso,Ruben Rada,Jaime Roosの系譜を受け継ぐウルグアイの5人組グループDelanukaによる初作となる89年作。ハイライトはA面のエレピが舞い哀愁漂うロッキンナンバー”Aduanas De Pasiones”、Jaime Roosの様なグルーヴの序盤からファンキーメロウな展開に変化するB面”Picantún”の両面ラストに収録の長尺曲二つ、続いてアダルトオリエンテッドロックA3やオブスキュア調のシンセ・ロックB1などもいい塩梅。ロック色強めですがクオリティを感じる良作です。ジャケはAlmangoなども手掛けるRodolfo Fuentesによる首都モンテビデオのモニュメントをモチーフにしたデザイン。
A3 - De Una
A5 - Aduanas De Pasiones
B1 - Delanuka 1533
B4 - Picantún