David Brown – Listening World

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Label:Not On Label


Used Cassette 1986

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

J-Card:VG+ (light faded, not bad condition)

David Brown is an American sound artist who began his career studying under Anthony Braxton and Kenneth Gaburo, and has since produced collages of orchestral density. He has previously worked on theater, dance, and collaborative works with recitation, this is a collection of electronic scoustic sounds created using the sound collage technique he left behind in the 80s. Elements of jazz, ethnic music, and improvisation are strongly extracted from the six pieces. Particular highlights include the A3 "Fever Dream," which gives a sense of a familiar cosmic view, and A2"Dance Of The Radiator Spirits," which features Anthony Braxton's roaring saxophone and a free jazz feel with tom-toms. Rare cassette work.

Anthony BraxtonとKenneth Gaburoに師事しキャリアをスタートさせオーケストラのように密度の高いコラージュ作品を生み出している米人サウンド・アーティストDavid Brown。これまで演劇、ダンス作品、朗読とのコラボ作品等を手掛けていますが、本作は80年代に残したサウンド・コラージュの手法により制作された電子音響集。ジャズ、民族音楽、即興が紡ぐ全6曲。身近な宇宙観を感じようなA3”Fever Dream”、うなりをあげるAnthony Braxtonのサックスとタムタムによるフリージャズ感覚A2”Dance Of The Radiator Spirits”は特に聴き所。稀少となっている作品です。

A1 - Strange Bedpartner

A2 - Dance Of The Radiator Spirits

A3 - Fever Dream

B1 - Sonic Vista

B2 - Mind Music

B3 - Down Home Oakland