Cuarteto Chamán feat. Iris Guiñazú, Norberto Minichillo, Ricardo Capellano, Pastor Mora, Litto Nebbia - Chamán

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Label:Melopea Discos


Used Cassette 1992

Tape:VG+ (plays fine)

J-Card:VG+ (clean) 

Recorded in 1989 entitled Collective Improvisation through Roots from Melopea Discos. It contains about 36 minutes of improvisation that aims to create original music based on the experience of internal and cultural ancestry with the intention of "collective soul" which is different from the conventional shaman's meaning of sorcerer. The members include Iris Guiñazú, a Unesco professor who has long practiced education through the arts, Norberto Minichillo, a veteran percussionist who has worked on works by Alfredo Remus, Manolo Juárez as well as Melopea works, Ricardo Capellano, an improvisational musician who continues to create imaginative works even after the 1990s, in addition the name of Leda Valladares also provided materials on ethnomusicology. An ethno-contemporary piece with spirituality from shamanism woven by skilled performers. We believe one of Melopea best works. Mario Sobrino, Melopea's longtime engineer, seems to be deeply involved in the project. Just amazing.

ルーツを介した集団即興と題されたMelopea89年録音作品。従来のシャーマンが意味する魔術師とは異なる「集団の魂」の意を骨幹に内的・文化的な祖先の経験に基づいた独自の音楽の創造を目指した即興演奏約36分を収録。メンバーには芸術を用いた教育を長年実践しているユネスコのプロフェッサーIris Guiñazú、MelopeaはもちろんAlfredo RemusやManolo Juárez作品にも携わるベテラン打楽器奏者Norberto Minichillo、90年以降も想像性に溢れた作品を創出し続ける鬼才即興音楽家Ricardo Capellanoなどが参加の他、音楽民族学の資料提供にはLeda Valladaresの名前も。熟練の演者が織り成すシャーマニズムからの精神性が宿ったエスノ・コンテンポラリー作品。このみなぎる音源はMelopea作品でもベストのひとつに数えられるのでは。長年Melopeaのエンジニアを務めるMario Sobrinoさんも音響面以外でも深く関わっているようです。素晴らしいです。

A Full Sample

B Full Sample

To check playback and prevent deterioration, each recording is a full sound sample
