Label:C.A. La Electricidad De Caracas
Used 7" 19XX
Disc:VG+ (good shape, only feel slight surface noise at begging)
Jacket:VG+ (light wrinkle/scuff)
A library single left by Chelique Sarabia, one of Venezuela's most talented composer, who expresses South American popular music and folk music with his own unique electronic manipulation. It seems to have been released between 1965 and 1970. Although it's about 2 minutes long, it's absolutly killer with string orchestration that runs through it, like listening to an Italian soundtrack. A hidden gem that overlaps with the strange period of 1971, which he called the "Venezuelan Music Revolution". Comes with rare cover.
南米大衆音楽やフォールクローレを変幻独自の電気使いで表現したヴェネズエラきっての奇才コンポーザーChelique Sarabiaが残したライブラリーシングル。リリースは65年から70年のようです。約2分の尺ながら渦を巻くようにオーケストレーションが駆け抜けていくキラーな仕上がり。イタリアのサントラ作品を聞いてるようです。”ヴェネズエラ音楽革命”と名付けた71年の怪作期と重なる知る人ぞ知る秘宝。超貴重なジャケ付き。
A/B - Un Kilo De Kilovatios