Label:Spectre – SPECTRE-4
Used LP 1957
Disc:VG+ (good shape and looks great, only minor surface noise as "vintage" record)
Jacket:VG+ (there are cracks on the side that seems to be due to age (not split) we guess, minoe wear. strongly good category, we judge VG+)
Exotic piece in 1957 by by percussionist Leon "Chaino" Johnson, born in Philadelphia and raised in Chicago. Although it's known as exotica release, it's completely African percussion music. With producer Kirby Allan, bongos, congo drums, steel drums, gourd drums, noise makers, etc. are used to create a sensual and wild work that sometimes his chants and growls. It's a true rhythmic treasure trove with different developments and instrumental configurations. It is said that the 1958 release is the first work, but not sure about the truth of that. At that time, it seems that a fictional biography was created and promoted that he was an orphan of a lost tribe in Central Africa who was rescued by missionaries after the tribe was massacred. He went on to lead a bizarre life, appearing in movies, going to jail, and becoming homeless, while continuing to perform. Spectre Original in great condition.
フィラデルフィア生まれシカゴ育ちのパーカッショ二ストLeon "Chaino" Johnsonが残した57年リリース。エキゾチカの位置づけとして知られる作品ですが完全にアフリカン・パーカッション・ミュージック。プロデューサーKirby Allanと共にボンゴ、コンゴ・ドラム、スティール・ドラム、ひょうたんドラム、ノイズ・メーカー等を駆使し時にはチャントやうなり声をかました官能的かつワイルドな作品。正にリズムの宝庫と言える各曲の展開や楽器の構成が違うのもたまりません。57年。。凄すぎます。58年作が初作と伝えられていますがその真相はよくわかりません。当時、中央アフリカの失われた部族の孤児で、部族が虐殺された後に宣教師に助けられたという架空の伝記が作成されプロモーションを行っていたようです。その後はパフォーマンスを続けながら、映画に出演したり、刑務所に入ったり、ホームレスになったりと数奇な人生を歩みます。良コンディションの稀少盤です。
A2 - Untitled
A4 - Untitled
A6 - Untitled
B1 - Untitled
B2 - Untitled
B3 - Untitled
B4 - Untitled
B6 - Untitled