Label:Earthly Delights – EARTH 001
Used LP 1987
Disc:VG+/EX (great shape)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition)
Caroline Kaye Walters, also known as a member of the British industrial band Nocturnal Emissions and The Pump, had refrained from performing after her engagement to Daniel Ayers, the brother of band leader Nigel Ayers. This is her only solo album released on Nocturnal Emissions' sub-label in 1987. A-side features "The Happening World" 20+ minute dark drone ambient, the B-side features four tracks with feeling a kind of positive message, including "Animal Lattice," an ethereal ambient tune that seems to be a light shining through the darkness, and "Chearth," a grandiose continental new age type tune. Post-industrial sound that nods to be expressed as motherhood. Feel something that appeals to us. Beautiful original copy.
Caroline Kaye Walters,、英インダストリアルバンドNocturnal EmissionsやThe Pumpのメンバーとしても知られるもバンドリーダーNigel Ayersの弟Daniel Ayersとの婚約後は活動を控えていたようですが、87年にNocturnal Emissionsのサブレーベルから発表したソロ名義唯一作が本作。A面には20分を超えるダーク・ドローン・アンビエント大曲”The Happening World”、そして注目のB面にはまるで暗い中を光が差し込むような幽玄なアンビエント曲”Animal Lattice”、壮大な大陸的ニューエイジを描いたような”Chearth”を含むある種の前向きなメッセージ性を感じる4曲を収録。母性と表現されるのも頷けるポスト・インダストリアルサウンド。訴えかける何かを感じて頂けると思います。音質も素晴らしいです。オリジナル美品。
A - The Happening World
B1 - Animal Lattice
B2 - Chearth
B3 - Tracking With Close-Ups
B4 - Leaving