Label:Shagrada Medra
Used CD 2000
Disc:VG+ (good shape)
Jacket:VG+ (light wear, not bad condition)
Carlos Aguirre, a symbol of the Argentine neo-acoustic musicians who also left a masterpiece as far back as Litto Nebbia's Melopea, released an album in 2000 with his own group, commonly known as "Crema". The album is filled with sophisticated sounds that go beyond the beauty evocative of Argentina's vast natural scenery. A masterpiece that will have you listening intently to every single note. Aguirre's heart-stirring singing voice is also amazing.
古くはLitto NebbiaのMelopeaにも傑作を残しているアルゼンチン音響派の象徴Carlos Aguirreが自身のグループを率い2000年に残したアルバム通称”Crema"。アルゼンチンの広大な自然を想起させる美しさを超えた奥ゆかしいサウンドの数々。一音一音に耳を傾けて聞き入りたい超傑作。心揺さぶるアギーレの歌声もまたいいんです。
T1 - Los tres deseos de siempre
T3 - Beatriz Durante
T4 - T5 - Pedacito de río - Paloma y laurel
T7 - Pasarero
T9 - Pedacito de río Ⅱ
T10 - La tarka