Label:Cruzeiro Airlines – BBM 101
Used LP 1972
Disc:VG+ (good shape, almost no noise)
Jacket:VG+ (white scuffs/wears, not bad condition as 1972 brazil cover, we judge VG+)
A promotional record for Cruzeiro Airlines released under the name of Brazil By Music by Marcos Valle, a maestro who continues to have a big influence even now days, and Azymuth, who also played back on the his classic "Previsão Do Tempo" the following year. It’s well known that Marcos Valle's father is an airline manager and his brother is a pilot, which led to the recording. Just superb contents that it needs no explanation, the lineup of Aquarius Produçoes Artisticas, Ary Barroso, and Jorge Ben at the beginning is heavenly, and the graceful lounge/easy listening tunes are also great. The artwork, the Brazilian cities reflected inside the gatefold-jacket, and the anonymity without credit for both names are all irresistible. Original.
今なお大きな影響力を持ち続けるブラジルが生んだマエストロMarcos Valleと、こちらの翌年の名作”Previsão Do Tempo”でもバックを担当しているAzymuthがBrazil By Music名義にてリリースしたクルゼイロ航空のプロモーション用レコード。Marcos Valleの父が航空会社のマネージャー、兄がパイロットの縁で録音に至ったのは有名な話。冒頭のAquarius Produçoes Artisticas, Ary Barroso, Jorge Benの並びで昇天ですが、優雅なラウンジ/イージーリスニング調の楽曲もまたいいんです。アートワーク、ブラジルの都市が載った見開き、両名のクレジットがない匿名性など全てがたまらない仕様となっています。オリジナルです。
A1 - Jingle Cruzeiro
A2 - Esta Fazendo Um Ano - Aquarela Do Brasil
A3 - Zazueira - Mas Que Nada
B3 - Samba De Verão
B4 - Prenda Minha
B5 - Asa Branca