Label:Voice Of Beirut
Used LP 1986
Disc:EX (opened from dead stock copy)
Jacket:EX (opened from dead stock copy, in shrink)
The Bandaly Family, a funk group formed by Lebanese composer Edward Bendaly with his children in the early 70's. This work was composed by Roger Bendaly, who organized the group after Edward Bendaly passed away in 1984, and produced by Antoine Jean Samaha who is owner of Voice Of Beirut label. It's a wired middle-east funk piece with a unique electronic sound, first of all, A4 "Twahine Al Dagar", which starts with shimmering electronic sounds part and finishes via organ and drums part, followed by B2 "Souaal" electronic psychedelic funk tune that repeats an obscure rhythm, B3 "Tebka Talfenle Bel Layl" a slow electronic funk that is filled with a weird atmosphere, and B4 "Lamet Al" where the development changes while strange electronic sounds are mixed. Highly recommended for obscure/wired lover. Dead stock copy has been opened.
レバノン人作曲家Edward Bendalyがその子供達と70年代初頭に結成したファンクグループ Bandaly Family。本作は84年に亡くなったEdward Bendalyの後にグループをまとめたRoger Bendalyがコンポーズ、レーベルオーナーでもあるAntoine Jean Samahaがプロデュースを手掛けた86年作。独特な電子使いのワイアード・ミドルイースト・ファンクを全編に収録したブツで、まずは煌めく電子音が舞いながらオルガンとドラムのパートを経由して着地するA4”Twahine Al Dagar”が最高、続いてオブスキュアなリズムを繰り返す電子サイケファンクB2”Souaal”、怪しい空気感が充満したスロー電子ファンクB3”Tebka Talfenle Bel Layl”、ストレンジな電子音が入り乱れながら展開が変化していくB4”Lamet Al Chamss Jadayela”などヤバ~い内容。面白いレコード探してる人に大推薦。デッドストック品を開封したものです。
A1 - Winter
A4 - Twahine Al Dagar
B2 - Souaal
B3 - Tebka Talfenle Bel Layl
B4 - Lamet Al Chamss Jadayela
B5 - Ya Ward