Akira Inoue = 井上鑑 ‎– DX7 Sound Sensation 驚異の”音”の世界

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Used 7" Flexi-disc

Disc:VG+ (looks perfect but due to the characteristics of Flexi-disc, there is a little noise)

Jacket:VG+ (scotch tape is attached from the original, light wear)

A not-for-sale flexi-disc single played by the genius musician Akira Inoue using only the YAMAHA DX7, which is known as a famous machine. It is composed of 18 short songs, and among them, the new age track in the latter half of side A and the track in the early part of side A, which is the image of stardust, are great.

天才音楽家 井上鑑が名機として知られるYAMAHA DX7のみを使い演奏した非売品ソノシートシングル。短い曲が18曲収録された構成で、その中でもA面後半のニューエイジトラックや星屑をイメージしたA面序盤のトラックなどが聴き所。

A3 - Hoshi-Kuzu

A10 - Pan-Flute, Timpani, Shimmer, Chinese Organ