Air Suspension Club Band ‎– Another World

Regular price ¥8,800

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Label:Vap ‎– 30024-25


Used LP 1982

Disc:VG+/EX (great shape)

Jacket:VG+ (clean overall) missing obi, originally no insert

The only work of the instrumental fusion band Air Suspension Club Band in 1983, which was reissued by single cut 7' recent year but totally remains closed to mystery, with  produced by Mr.Theodore and initials of all the collaborators. All songs that are definitely made by skilled musicsian in terms of sound perfection are too wonderful songs. In addition to the single cut A4 and B2, all the songs are excellent such as, slow melodic fusion A3, pleasant minimal fusion B3, urban fusion A2. No obi butit is in excellent condition and has been in stock for long time.

Mr.Theodoreなる人物が手掛け協力者も全てイニシャル明記、近年リイシューされたにも関わらず謎に閉ざされたままのインスト・フュージョン・バンドAir Suspension Club Bandの83年の唯一作。シングルカットされたA4, B2以外にもスローメロディックフュージョンA3、心地よいミニマル・フュージョンB3、アーバン・フュージョンA2など間違いなく腕利きのミュージシャンが手掛けてると思われる全曲卓越された楽曲群。帯なしですが美品にて久々の入荷です。

A2 - In The Hot City

A3 - Daydream

A4 - Seaside In The Twilight

B2 - Jack In The Box

B3 - Rose Nebulous