Label:URC – URZ-9003
Used LP 1970
Disc:VG+ (good shape, feel slight surface noise, B side has very slight wrapped not affect to sound)
Jacket:VG+/VG (age wears, think not bad category, no cut/break, please check photos) w/insert, originally no obi
Under the supervision of reportage writer Rou Takenaka, this series of "Japan's Forbidden Songs" compiles a collection of forbidden songs and folk arts passed down from generation to generation, ranging from shunka, zashiki performance, to resistance songs that satirize society and politics. A total of seven works were planned, but a rift arose between URC, which wanted to distribute the works, and Takenaka, who was concerned about underground publishing, and ended up producing only four works (the fourth work was not even supervised by Takenaka). This is the third album, and is a collection of Okinawan island songs, mainly spring songs that have been sung in the Ryukyu, as well as resistance and anti-war songs. Includes songs and commentary by two masters, Rinsho Kadekaru on side A and Yukichi Yamasato on side B. A historically important work of popular music/common entertainment history created by the late Takenaka Rou, which includes bizarre episodes and detailed explanations of songs. Please take the time to enjoy it while looking at the spread commentary and inserts. Just amazing.
ルポライター・竹中労監修の元、遊郭や料亭でひそかに歌われてきた春歌、座敷芸、社会&政治を風刺した抵抗歌に至るまで巷間伝わる禁歌、民衆芸能を集成した「日本禁歌集」シリーズ。全7作が予定されていましたが、流通に乗せたいURC側とアングラ出版に拘った竹中に亀裂が生じ全4作 (4作目は竹中監修でもありません)に終わってしまったといいます。本作は三作目に当たる琉球弧で歌い継がれてきた春歌を中心に抵抗歌、反戦歌もふくめた沖縄島唄集。A面は嘉手苅林昌、B面は山里勇吉と二人の名人の楽曲と解説を収録。奇エピソード、曲の詳しい解説なども掲載した故・竹中労が手掛けた大衆音楽/庶民芸能史の歴史的重要作。是非見開き解説とインサートを眺めながらじっくり堪能してください。素晴らしいの一言に尽きます。
A1 - 国頭ジントーヨー
A4 - 軍人節
A5 - 海のチンボーラー
B2 - 琉旋はやり唄 - 道頓堀行進曲 - 満州娘
B3 - 無題二曲
B6 - 六調節