Lucia Shiomitsu = ルシア塩満 – Arpa Brillante

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Label:Lys Studio – Lys-1001


Used LP 1982

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (light brown wear/scuffs, not bad condition) w/insert

The first album released in 1982 by Lucia Shiomitsu, who encountered arpa when her family moved to Paraguay in the early 1960s when her father, a coal miner, closed the mine, and continued to play arpa even after returning to Japan. The album features a wide variety of performances, including traditional Paraguayan arpa tunes, folklore-derived tunes, waltz, more. Among others, "Come Lirio Slvestre" whick has pure melody with a quena given by Chico Honma, arpa cover tune famous "Amigo" by Erasmo Carlos and Roberto Carlos, lively rhythm Venezuelan cover tune "Evasion" and "Bird with Bells," a well-known arpa master tune with a wonderful development in the second half, are interesting sensations.

炭鉱夫である父親の炭坑が閉山した事から60年代初めに一家でパラグアイへの移住を機にアルパと出会い、日本に戻ってからもアルパの演奏に従事したルシア塩満による82年の自主ファーストアルバム。”祖国”パラグアイの伝統アルパ曲、フォルクローレ由来の楽曲、ワルツなど多岐に渡る演奏を披露。とりわけ同じアルパ奏者チコ・本間から贈られたケーナを交えた純情的な旋律を奏でる”野の百合のように”、Erasmo CarlosとRoberto Carlosによる有名曲のアルパカバー”アミーゴ”、ベネズエラ産の躍動的なリズムで奏でられる”エバシオン”、後半の展開が素晴らしいアルパの名曲として知られる”鐘つき鳥”などは面白い感覚かなと思います。

A3 - Soy Guaireno

A4 - Come Lirio Slvestre

A5 - Amigo

B3 - Evasion

B4 - Pajaro Campana

B5 - Ofrenda