Label:Melodya – C60 28293 005
Used LP 1989
Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)
Jacket:VG+/VG (small tear on bottom, small writing on back, not very serious)
1989 release work by Ponomareva Valentina, a denizen of the enchanted land born in the Soviet Union. A total of 6 astonishing tracks, ranging from shamanic drones with her deep vocals to experimental tracks where she sings as if the voice was one instrument with the saxophone and percussion. To different dimension..
ソ連が生んだ魔境の住人Ponomareva Valentinaによる89年作。ディープという他ないその歌唱によるシャーマニック・ドローンやサックス/打楽器と共にひとつの楽器のように歌うエクスペリメンタル・トラックまで驚愕の全6曲。凄すぎる。。