Label:Sondor – 44.051
Used LP 1977
Disc:VG+ (totally good shape, only light surface noise at quiet part)
Jacket:VG+ (slight wrinkls/scuffs/wear, totally good condition as latin vintage stuff)
Uruguayan percussionist Jorge Trasante's album alongside Ruben Rada in 1977. Working with Eduardo Mateo and emigrating to France, where he has performed with Don Cherry,Jaime Roos,Ramuntcho Mata,Anacrusa, Guy Cuevas, Gipsy Kings and others, his visionary sound has been respected throughout the ages. Guess the main point of this work is the stoic and spiritual sound writing featuring percussion instruments such as candombe, conga, bongo,cowbell,more. Especially, A2 "Malambo" with a colorful sheen that is worthy of being called magical, B1 "Candombe Calle Ansina" and B2 "Murga" lead the way to minimal rhythm with psychedelic sound, and last tune, the enchanted classic B5 "Tango". A masterpiece in spite of the fact that it's a weird record. Original.
Ruben Radaと並ぶウルグアイの打楽器奏者Jorge Trasanteの77年作。Eduardo Mateoとの共作、フランスではJaime Roos,Don Cherry,Ramuntcho Mata,Anacrusa,Guy Cuevas,Gipsy Kings等の作品に関わりその先見性のある音作りは時代を超えて評価されています。彼の代表作でもある本作ではカンドンベ、コンガ、ムルバ、ボンゴ、カウベル等を用いた打楽器をフューチャーしながらストイックかつ色彩感覚溢れるサウンドライティングを完成させています。マジカルでカラフルな響きを放つA2”Malambo”、ミニマルでいながらサイケデリックへと導くB1"Candombe Calle Ansina"、B2"Murga"の二曲、そしてラストを飾る魔法にかけられたような名曲B5"Tango"。掛け値なしの超傑作。オリジナルです。
A2 - Malambo
B1 - Candombe Calle Ansina
B2 - Murga
B5 - Tango