Hugo Fattoruso, Ruben Rada, Sylvia Meyer – Crispín Amores Artigas

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Label:Not On Label ‎– 174


Used LP probably around 1990

Disc:VG+ (light surface noise/crackling in mainly silent part, looks and plays fine, VG+ condition)

Jacket:VG+ (light scuffs, wrinkles, please check photos)

Stage soundtrack for the theater play "Crispín Amores Artigas" directed by the Uruguayan playwright Carlos Maggi. The sound is produced by Hugo Fattoruso and Ruben Rada two big name, overall producted by Carlos Piriz, lead vocal by Sylvia Meyer, and features some of Uruguay's most important artists including Fernando Núñez and Osvaldo Fattoruso. The A-side consists of long and short songs ranging from percussive to ambient to experimental aspects. The B side is especially recommended, with ensemble with Sylvia Meyer at the beginning part, spiritual tune with organ, and from the middle part of the this side is gradually changes to psychedelic while the candomblé continues to percussive. This part is highlight. Think there aren't many works like this in Uruguay where the artists so far have participated. A phantom work and private release, so it's not available at all. There is a little bit of crackling in silent part, but it looks and plays fine.

ウルグアイ人劇作家Carlos Maggiが演出を手掛けた劇場作品”Crispín Amores Artigas”の為に制作されたステージ音源。音響面ではHugo FattorusoとRuben Radaの二大巨頭が手掛け、総合プロデュースにはCarlos Piriz、リードヴォーカルにはSylvia Meyer、他にもFernando Núñez,Osvaldo Fattorusoなどウルグアイ最重要アーティスト達が参加した知る人ぞ知る一枚。A面はパーカッシブ~アンビエント調~実験的な側面を持った曲まで長短の楽曲構成。B面が特にオススメの内容で冒頭のSylvia Meyerを交えたコーラスのアンサンブル、静粛な雰囲気のオルガンを用いた楽曲、そして中盤以降を占めるカンドンベが鳴り続けながら徐々にサイケデリックに変化していくパート。この最後がハイライト。ウルグアイでここまでのアーティストが参加したこのような作品はあまりないのではないでしょうか。幻の作品。小国ウルグアイかつプライベート盤ゆえ超稀少作品です。主に静部で多少チリパチする部分ありますが、見た目/再生共に良好の部類です。

A Sample 1

A Sample 2

A Sample 3

B Sample 1

B Sample 2

B Sample 3