Luis Paniagua - De Magico Acuerdo

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Label:Nuevos Medios – 13 221 L


Used LP 1986

Disc:VG+ (light surface noise/crack, not bad condition)

Jacket:VG+ (light wear)

Luis Paniagua, the son of ancient music performer Gregorio Paniagua, and has participated in the Atrium Musicae De Madrid, which was spearheaded by his father, and the "El Cometa de Madrid" series, which brings together spirited musicians, and is still active today. This is his first solo album, released in 1986. It's also master piece that skillfully interweaves ethnic instruments and Western instruments from around the world, and plays the music of the original land through its own modern acoustic filter. As shown on the cover, it inspires the imagination of spirits playing an orchestra deep in the misty mountains. Essential.

古楽奏者Gregorio Paniaguaを父に持ち、その父が先導したAtrium Musicae De Madridや気鋭集うマドリッドの彗星シリーズへ参加し現在も活動を続ける音楽家Luis Paniagua。本作は86年のソロファーストアルバム。先駆けとなった本作でもあらゆる民族楽器と西洋楽器を織り交ぜどこでもない空想世界を描き出しています。ジャケットにあるよう山奥を抜けた桃源で精霊たちがオーケストラを奏でているような想像を掻き立ててくれます。名作。

A1 - Agua En El Cristal

A2 - De Magico Acuerdo

A4.3 - Tres Momentos De Luz - Luz De Amor

B2 - La Montaña Sagrada

B3 - Presentimiento