Label:Ac records – LPAC-0003
Used LP 1981
Disc:VG+ (begging part of both side are a little noisy but generally in good condition, there are mostly no scratches which is common in South American records)
Jacket:VG+ (light wear/wrinkle, not bad condition)
A rare compilation album from 1981 that collects tunes from three Peruvian disco/funk groups. The album consists of two sides: the A-side, mostly composed by producer Arturo Barrientos, and the B-side, which includes a mix of covers. First, Sunset Inn's percussive ethnic funk "Conga, Conga, Conga" is quite killer, also includes original score of cosmic disco "Rockeando", rockin' disco "Just Need A Friend" by Green Eyes featuring a guitar solo by Enrique Ego Aguirre, an important Peruvian figure who has actived in numerous bands, groovy spacey disco "Vamos Al Sol" and a cover of Rita Lee's "Lanca Perfume". Nice contents overall. Recommended for fans of South American and frontier music.
ペルーのディスコ/ファンクグループ3組の楽曲を集めた81年の珍しいコンピレーションアルバム。プロデューサーArturo Barrientosが大半を手掛けたA面とカバーなども織り交ぜたB面の構成。まずSunset Innによるパーカッシブなエスニック・ファンク”Conga, Conga, Conga”がなかなかキラー、続くオリジナルスコアのコズミック・ディスコ”Rockeando”、数々のバンドを歴任したきたペルーの重要人物Enrique Ego Aguirreのギターソロが入るGreen Eyesによるロッキン・ディスコ”Just Need A Friend”、グルーヴィなスペーシー・ディスコ”Vamos Al Sol”、Rita Leeのカバー曲”Lanca Perfume”までいい曲入ってます。南米~辺境音楽ファンまで広くオススメさせて頂きます。
A2 - Sunset Inn – Conga, Conga, Conga
A3 - Sunset Inn – Rockeando
A4 - Green Eyes – Just Need A Friend (Simplemente Necessito Un Amigo)
B1 - Sunset Inn – Vamos Al Sol
B2 - L3 Group – Boogie - Oogie Oogie
B3 - L3 Group – Lanca Perfume