Label:Nucleus Records - Keyboard Series – KS221
Used LP 1975
Disc:VG+ (good shape, only feel slight surface noise at quiet part)
Jacket:VG+ (good condition)
Rotation is a Brazilian style album in 1975 by Portuguese keyboardist Claudio Medeiros and producer/percussionist Victor M., a Russian born in Hong Kong who moved from Sao Paulo to California and is known for his "Made In Brasil" release. It appears that Claudio Medeiros, who studied jazz and composition in Canada, moved to California and met Victor M, who recognized his talent, and the recording was made. The highlights include "Soar" with its lilting percussive rhythms and elegant keyboard work, and stunning Moog synth part in the second half, psych-funk style “Grape Woman” with spacey synths and fuzz guitar sounds, jazz funk track "Rotation" that shows various elaborate developments and pleasant mellow bossa "Generous". The entire album contains crossover sounds based on Brazilian beats, with elements of funk, jazz, and psychedelic. Great content with plenty of variety. The jacket, which looks like an experimental piece, is also very tasteful.
ポルトガル人鍵盤奏者Claudio Medeirosと香港生まれのロシア人ながらサンパウロからカルフォルニアへと移住し”Made In Brasil”のリリースで知られるプロデューサー/パーカッショ二ストVictor Mの両者による75年のブラジリアン作品。カナダでジャズと作曲を学んだClaudio Medeirosがカルフォルニアへ渡りその才能を見込んだVictor Mとの出会いからレコーディングが行われたようです。ハイライトの軽快なパーカッシブなリズムにエレガントなキーボードワーク、そして後半のムーグシンセがたまらない”Soar”、スペイシーなシンセ、ファズなギター音が絡みつくまるでサイケ・ファンクのような”Grape Woman”、手の込んだ様々な展開を見せるジャズ・ファンク”Rotation”、心地よいメロウ・ボッサ”Generous”を筆頭にブラジリアン・ビートをベースにファンク、ジャズ、サイケの要素を交えたクロスオーバーサウンドを全編に収録。バラエティにも富んだ隙なしの素晴らしい内容。エクスペリメンタル作品のようなジャケもセンスよいです。
A1 - Rotation
A3 - Soar
B2 - Grape Woman
B3 - Tomorrow
B5 - Generous