Augusto Martelli - Color Martelli

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Label:Diresa ‎– DLP 1047


Used LP 1973

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+/VG (mark on the upper left side that looks like it was scraped off, light scuffs, small seal on back, please check photos, totally not bad condition)

Augusto Martelli, an Italian composer who has been involved in a vast array of Latin, rock, funk and easy listening music since the 1960s.  Original released in 1972,this one was released from Spain in 1973. it contents a blend of the aforementioned elements, solid performance skills, and a composition of tunes with a wild and elegant mood, in addition to the popular tune A4/B5, include nice tunes such as B3 which percussion and strings collide in a wonderful performance, thrilling and moody jazz-funk B6, A1 which the adulterous easy listening part and the jazz part are interchanged. One of his best works at the peak of career. One of his peak works, surrounded by popular release.

60年代よりラテン、ロック、ファンク、イージーリスニングなどの膨大に作品に関与するイタリア人作曲家Augusto Martelliによる72年作。本作は翌年スペインからのリリース盤。前述の要素がブレンドされた確かな演奏力とワイルドかつ優雅なムード漂う楽曲構成で、打楽器とストリングスの軽快な駆け引きが妙のB3、疾走感のあるムーディーなジャズファンクB6、アダルティなイージーリスニングパートとジャズパートが入れ替わっていくA1など人気曲A4/B5以外にも聞き所満載。極上盤が並ぶ彼の絶頂期の作品の一つ。

A3 - La Bikina

A4 - Mood

B1 - El Catire

B5 - Crazy Sax

B6 - One Fine Morning