Gene Lawrence ‎– After Sunrise/Marjorie

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Label:Semp Production ‎– SM 016

Country:Trinidad & Tobago

Used 7' 45RPM

Disc:VG+ (has chinking surface noise at quiet part, we judge VG+ condition as this era's Trinidad & Tobago record,please make sure sound clip)


The single cut from "Sunset To Sunrise", one of the top rare groove albums from Trinidad and Tobago by SSW Gene Lawrence in 1977. On the A-side, cover tune of "After Sunrise" composed by Brazilian bassist Sebastião Neto (!), whose solo works are getting more and more popular in recent years, for American jazz player Roy Haynes,  The B-side, presumably a cover of Trinidadian calypso musician Lord Kitchener's "Marjorie," is also arranged for a good mood. Very hard to fine.

トリニダードトバゴのSSW Gene Lawrenceが手掛けたトリニダード産レアグルーブ作品でもトップに位置づけされる名盤"Sunset To Sunrise"からのシングルカット。A面は近年ソロ作が人気高まるブラジル人ベーシストSebastião Neto(!)がアメリカ人ジャズプレイヤーRoy Haynesの為に作曲を手掛けた"After Sunrise"の極上カバー、おそらくB面もトリニダードのカリプソミュージシャンLord Kitchenerのカバーとなりますがアレンジが施されご機嫌な”Marjorie”を収録。

A - After Sunrise

B - Marjorie