Carlos Beltran – Jerico

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Label:Not On Label – MA 671


Used LP 1987

Disc:VG+/VG (slight scratch at the beginning of B2, since it is an independent release and the sound is quiet throughout, so there are some spots, but overall it is in good condition, check audio clips)

Jacket:VG+/EX (light wear)

Mexican electronic musician Carlos Beltran's only work, released in 1987. A total of 4 long, well-constructed tracks that incorporate electronic progressive music influenced by Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze, a return to ancient Mesoamerica, and mysticism. For us, the keyboard work, which exudes an emotional feeling that is at odds with the passion inside, exudes a sense of sadness. As is the case with many other albums, it did not receive proper recognition for a long time, and it only began to receive recognition in Japan and Europe after being reissued on CD. There is a slight scratch at the beginning of B2, and since it is an independent release, the sound is quiet throughout, so there are some spots, but overall it is in good condition.

メキシコの電子音楽家Carlos Beltranの唯一作として知られる87年の唯一作。Tangerine DreamやKlaus Schulzeの影響を感じさせるエレクトロニック・プログレッシブ、古代メソアメリカ回帰、神秘主義などを内包した長尺の全4曲を収録。センシティブな鍵盤ワークと共によく練られた構成も好感が持てます。やはり例に漏れず長い間正当な評価を得られずCDにてリイシュー後にようやく日本やヨーロッパを中心に評価を受けてきたようです。B2冒頭に少し音に出るスクラッチあり、プライベートプレスという事と全体を通して静かな音の為ポツポツという箇所ありますが概ね良好な部類です。

A1  - Edades Obscuras Sample 1

A1  - Edades Obscuras Sample 2

A2 - El Ciego De Jerico

B1 - Cuentos Y Relatos Del Pais De Las Nieves

B2 - 1519