Takashi Kokubo = 小久保隆 – 「都市生活者へおくる音風景」 Tokyo~騒音美学~

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Label:Studio Ion – TECD-28225


Used CD 1992 Promo

Disc:VG+ (plays fine)

Jacket:VG+ (slight scuffs on outer case, not bad condition)

One of the ten works in the Ion Series released by Takashi Kokubo, Japan's leading environmental musician and sound environment designer, between 1992 and 1993. The forest where the artist's studio is located in Yamanashi Prefecture is called "Ion Forest", and the works were made there. Set in the megalopolis of Tokyo, this album contains 3 tracks that incorporate trains, announcements, crowd noises, etc. Particularly amazing are "Noise Front II "Good Afternoon"," which provides a moment of peace in the city, and "Noise Beach," which creates a unique utopia while giving a sense of noise. There aren't many ambient works themed around Tokyo, so this is an interesting direction.

日本を代表する環境音楽家/音環境デザイナー 小久保隆が92~93年にかけてリリースしたイオンシリーズと名付けた全10作品の内のひとつ。山梨県のスタジオがある森を”イオンの森”と呼んでいたようでそちらで作られた作品群。こちらでは巨大都市東京を舞台に、電車、アナウンス、雑踏音等を交えた全3曲を収録。とりわけ都市の中にひとときの安らぎを与えてくれるような”ノイズ・フロントⅡ"Good Afternoon"”、ノイズを感じながら独特なユートピアが現れる”騒音の海辺”が素晴らしい。東京を題材にしたアンビエント作品はそう多くはないので興味深い指向です。

T1 - ノイズ・フロントⅠ"Good Morning"

T2 - ノイズ・フロントⅡ"Good Afternoon"

T3 - 騒音の海辺