Swing Slow - S.T.

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Label:Mercury – PHJR-10002


Used 10" 1996

Disc:VG+ (good shape)

Jacket:VG+ (good condition)

10-inch mini-album by Swing Slow, a group formed in mid-1990 by two musicians who had worked together many times, starting with "Tutu," which was produced by Haruomi Hosono after a demo tape by Miharu Koshi caught his ear. In addition to their own tunes, they develops unique sound, coloring covers of oldies and children's traditional songs with stylish arrangements. Total six tracks include "Yuki-ya-Konko," a different take from the album, "Caravan" a thrilling arrangement from the original that is not included on the album, nostalgic atmosphere of "Disappeared" and
"Voo Doo Surfer" with organ and spacey tones in an easy listening style. Want to sway with this kind of music forever. Stunning!

コシミハルのデモテープが細野晴臣の耳に止まった事をきっかけにプロデュースを手掛けた”Tutu”に始まり幾度となく共演を重ねた二人が90年半ばに結成したSwing Slowの10インチミニアルバム。自作曲に加えオールディーズや童謡のカバーを洒脱なアレンジで独特のサウンドを展開しています。アルバムとはテイクの違う”雪やこんこ”、スリリングな原曲をアレンジしたアルバム未収録の”Caravan"、ノスタルジックな雰囲気の”Disappeared”、オルガンとスペーシーな音色がイージーリスニング調に展開される”Voo Doo Surfer”など全6曲。いつまでもこんな音楽で揺れていたいですね~。最高!

A2 - Yuki-Ya-Konko

A3 - Caravan

B1 - Disappeared

B2 - Voo Doo Surfer