Label:Epic – ESCB 1410
Used CD 1993
Disc:VG+ (plays fine)
Jacket:VG+ (light wears) missing obi
1993 CD release by singer Mishio Ogawa, who has been active in Chakra, Wha-ha-ha, Haniwa, etc and still attracts many listeners with her innocent vocals. This is the last of the EPIC trilogy that began in 1991 and is the most pop-oriented work. Co-produced by her allies Bun Itakura and Tomohiko Fukuoka, also features Banana, Tatsuro Kondo, and other familiar faces. The album is full of quality tunes from Ogawa's pop sound to ambient and downtempo. We guess one of her best. Recommended.
Chakra, Wha-ha-ha, はにわちゃんなどで活動しその天真爛漫なヴォーカルで現在でも多くのリスナーを惹きつける歌手 小川美潮の93年のCD作品。91年からのEPIC三部作の最後の作品であり最もポップな側面を持った作風。盟友板倉文と福岡知彦が共同プロデュース、Banana, 近藤達郎など馴染みの面々ももちろん参加。小川印のポップなサウンドからアンビエント、ダウンテンポまで良曲揃い。推薦盤。
T1 - はじめて
T2 - 檸檬の月
T3 - ふたつのドア
T5 - Shambhaline II
T8 - Monday
T10 - Blue