Everything Play – Loulou Mon Amour

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Label:Koh Hak – RWP-3


Used LP 1988

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (light wear, not bad condition) w/insert, booklet

The first album recorded in 1988 by Everything Play, a stateless exotic pop unit formed by musician Soichiro Suzuki after World Standard. While hinting at the direction of the next oriental exotic masterpiece "Posh" the album has a strong impression of focusing on the vocals, and includes songs with vocals such as the dreamy alternative pop "Amitie Amour," the fairy tale chanson-like "Elfé", master song "A Moment For Lovers" and as well as the sentimental instrumental number "Olive Blue", exotic swaying "Lou Lou Mon Amour". The feeling that each song was carefully crafted is wonderful. Be sure to listen to it as you get ready for the coming season. The LP version has become increasingly hard to find recently.

音楽家 鈴木惣一朗がWorld Standardに続いて結成した無国籍エキゾポップスユニットEverything Playのファーストアルバム。次作のオリエンタルエキゾ大名盤”Posh”への方向性も匂わせながらも歌にこだわった色合いが濃い印象で、ドリーミー感覚のオルタナティブ・ポップ”アミチェ・アムール”、メルヘンなシャンソン気分”エルフェ”、大名曲”恋人たちの過ごした時間”などヴォーカルを起用した曲に加えセンチメンタルなインスト・ナンバー”オリーブの青”、異国情緒に揺れる”ルール・モナムール”も収録。一曲一曲丁寧に作られた感覚も素敵。これからの季節のお供にもどうぞ。最近めっきり見かけなくなったLP版。

A1 - ルール・モナムール

A3 - エルフェ

A4 - オリーブの青

B1 - 恋人たちの過ごした時間