Orchestre Stukas – L'Afrique Danse

Regular price ¥4,200

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Label:African – 360.130


Used LP 1979

Disc:VG+ (good shape overall)

Jacket:VG+ (light wear/crease, price tag on back)

1979 compilation by Orchestre Stukas, a Zaillian Afro band that also includes Lita Bembo, who has also produced some excellent solo works. We also stocked the paired album before released the same year, which also features 4 long rumba tracks with a tropical/cosmic approach that makes extensive use of synths and electric guitar. Includes, "Na Regettter" progresses with a snappy rhythm and electric guitar that enhances the tropical mood, "Bomatracien" gradually draws you in with the mellow vibes of synth, guitar and vocals, and "Libota" starts off mellow and then heats up. We highly recommend this series as it has good content.

ソロ作でも良作を残すLita Bemboも所属するザイリアン・アフロ・バンドOrchestre Stukasによる79年の編集盤。同年リリースの対となる作品も当店で扱いましたが、こちらもシンセやエレクトリックギターを大々的に導入したトロピカル/コズミックなアプローチの長尺ルンバ4曲を収録。小気味いいリズムにエレクトリックギターがトロピカルなムードを引き立てながら進行していく”Na Regettter”、まろやかなシンセ、ギター、ヴォーカルのバイブスに徐々に引き込まれていく”Bomatracien”、メロウな序盤から熱を帯びていく”Libota”。特にB2”Na Regettter”が最高です。このシリーズは内容いいので推薦です。

A1 - Libota

B1 - Bomatracien

B2 - Na Regettter