Label:ALM Records – AL-20
Used LP 1979? Gatefold
Disc:VG+ (thin scratche-mark on the last part of B1, which makes the sound a little louder but good condition overall, check audio clips)
Jacket:VG+ (great condition) w/obi, insert
1977 recorded work by Michiharu Matsunaga, a musician who shifted from classical to contemporary and avant-garde music and began composing in earnest when he was over 40. It was released when he was around 50, while performing in Tokyo and overseas. The album is made up of four tracks, some performed at recitals and some commissioned pieces. The most outstands track is the improvisation-focused "Counter Performance II" which is an improvisation-based piece on A2 in which each performance using horn, marimba, piano, cello, and sound technology is composed by returning electronics. In addition, it includes an improvised contemporary piece in which Hozan Yamamoto participates, and a piece with a sense of urgency performed using many percussion instruments commissioned by Tomoyuki Okada. The cover design by Osamu Tsukasa is also eye-catching.
クラシックから現代音楽や前衛音楽にシフトしながら40歳を超え本格的な作曲活動を開始したという音楽家 松永通温が名門ALM Recordsに残した77年録音作品。東京や海外でも公演を行いながら50歳頃にリリースした作品。リサイタルでの演奏や委嘱作の全4曲の構成で、特に目を引くのがA2に収録されたホルン、マリンバ、ピアノ、チェロ、音響技術による各演奏が電子を返して構成していくインプロ中心の”Counter Performance II”が素晴らしい。その他、山本邦山が参加する即興コンテンポラリーや岡田知之委嘱による多くの打楽器を用いて演奏される緊迫感のある楽曲を収録。司修による装丁も目を引きます。
A1 - 葦と小枝と風と...
A2 - カウンター・パフォーマンス Ⅱ
B1 - 翠氷
B2 - サウンド・ファースト